Healing Arts Bodywork & Yoga
Massage Therapy & Yoga


Thank  You for visiting Healing Arts Bodywork & Yoga, with Cathie Zoeller, LMT & Certified Kripalu Yoga Instructor  

My massage practice is located in a beautiful Victorian House that has been converted to office suites.  Located at The Hanover Street Office Plaza 79 Hanover Street, Lebanon, NH 03766  (next to the UHaul)

Gift Certificates 

They are no longer available here because I plan to retire at the end of May. Please schedule to use any gift certificates you may have.

YOGA Class ---All are Welcome

5:00 pm on Wednesdays by Donation at the Oakledge Clubhouse in Sunapee off of Route 103-B. See the Yoga Directions  to Oakledge page for directions, here.  

Call or text me at 603-568-1571


Schedule Massage Appointment  click on the Schedule Tab at the bottom of each page

Payment Methods: MC, Visa, Discover, Amex, PayPal, Venmo, Checks, & Cash

 My email is czee27@aol.com


Schedule Appointment